What People Are Saying
"Teaching yoga is an art first, not a business. What does this entail? Knowing the physical needs of your students, adjusting the energy patterns of the yogic forms to those of the student(s) and most importantly always having enough grace and humility to realize that there is always more to learn. Marie has been instrumental in helping me with my arthritis. From not being able walk around a block without a great deal of pain I now enjoy complete pain free mobility. Thank you, Marie."
Maureen Neumann
“Marie is a most caring and friendly soul! Her classes are welcoming for people in any stage of yoga practice and with any type of body. She has the rare ability to energize you while at the same time helping you achieve full relaxation. Marie also has the special gift of being able to nurture community among diverse groups of people—such a blessing!”
Heather McCalley
​Marie taught me that with awareness and unconditional self-acceptance, I could not only cope with my pain but, at times, even overcome it.
Dr. Mark Stafford
Marie's yoga classes feel otherworldly. Gentle restorative stretches along with Marie's calm, peaceful presence make this my favorite yoga class in town. Having suffered with chronic back pain for years, Marie's class seems to be the one thing that helps to keep the pain at bay.
Lori Nichols